SteelWorks Workout of the Week:
Week 2: Monday, February 10
Workout Title:Kissed by Cardio Challenge
Workout Steps/Equipment: Treadmill, Stationary Bike, Row Machine, Stair Stepper (ALL Cardio Equipment in SteelWorks)
What the workout does/strengthens: Challenges you to run, bike, row, or step your fastest mile on any of the cardio equipment in SteelWorks!
Week 3: Monday, February 17
Workout Title: Love & Core
Workout Steps/Equipment: Yoga Matt (recommended)
What the workout does/strengthens: You & a partner will be in a push up plank position facing each other. The challenge is to time how fast you and a partner can complete 50 claps between each other. Build your teamwork, coordination, and core strength!